Reading is an activity that most of us will do to escape temporarily from our stressed sorrowful life. When this activity becomes a motivation booster that encourages you to overcome the sorrows by focusing on your actions which give maximum happiness to maximum people for the maximum time, then you will find meaning in your life.

So, dear reader who reads this post, I would like to suggest you include the book – 


- in your reading book list. And those who have already read the book to read it again.

There is a small story that I would like to tell you behind why I am recommending this book to everyone. When I was doing Higher Secondary Education, I saw this book for the first time. The 'tri-colour Rubix cube' cover page has caught the attention of my eyes. One of my classmates was holding the book. Then I was able to see the title-‘ TRANSFORMING INDIANS TO TRANSFORM INDIA’. Very impressive title! The next doubtful question in my mind was – ‘should I ask the classmate for giving me the book to read'. At last decided, whatever happened once ask, if you don’t get the book for reading, at least, you come to experience how to request orally for getting the necessities.

I got the book, which was the stepping stone for the journey of reaching out from the shell of my comfort zone. 

Cover page

This book has seven stories of different people. Through these stories, the transformation of individuals happens. Dear reader, please note- Transformation is a process, by the practice of self-evaluation, this becomes reality. You won’t be transformed once you finished reading this book. That’s why, for those who have read this book, I recommended them to go through this book again.

After completing the first reading, facing the separation from this book was quite difficult for me. But understood that stories and this book are not important, what is there to practice in one’s life- is important. The message of this book is important. So to remember this book ever, I took some images; a cover page and book-blurb page, then some ‘Transformation toolkit pages which should be practiced in my life. But this had some limitations because I can’t capture all the photos of the sentences below each page of the book about what a transformed India would be like. Somehow prepared my mind to return the book.

Then, after joining the Chinmaya University, again my eyes were captured by the same tri-color Rubix-cube cover page and the headline at Chinmayavani book shop on the campus. This time, I don’t want to miss the book again. Bought it. Started reading it again. That was a refreshment. And the wonder is the things that I didn’t understand completely become easier to understand now. Because at Chinmaya University, I was able to find people who are practicing those words in that book as their daily habits. For instance, In the “(Fr)agility – Physical transformation" part, the importance of health and what we should do to ‘make regular deposits into our health bank’ has been given. The practical way for positive health been has explained in detail.

  • “To maintain physical health, we need to exercise regularly, eat right and stay active. Design an exercise routine for yourself, be sensible in your food consumption, and fill your day with an assortment f activities
  •  Invest in your emotional health by extending love and concern for those around you. Consciously cultivate an optimistic attitude to face the ups and downs of everyday life. Believe in the best and work towards it, but be prepared for the worst. Learn to bounce back quickly from a low moment, realizing that “Even this will pass away”.
  • Social health is developed by learning the art of making right contact with people around us. Surround yourself with energetic, happy people who help you grow and become a better person. Think! Do the people in your life lift you up, or drag you down.
  • Last, but not least, spiritual health is achieved by grounding oneself in the core of peace within. We can improve our spiritual well-being through regular meditation and contemplation. Spiritual exercises align the body, mind and intellect so that we develop the clarity and composure to face the joys and sorrows of life with equanimity. “

(excerpts from Transforming Indians to Transform India )

Here, at CVV, what I could see and learn was for physical health development, a zero-credit Yoga and Meditation course has been added in the even semester curriculum. By this course, students come to learn the basic practice yoga-like prāṇāyāma-s, suryanamaskār, etc. As a result of this course, the interested one will start practicing yoga and meditation as a routine.

At campus Annakṣetra (mess), students, faculty, and technical staff come together to take food. The happy time you get every day at the campus to be spent with friends, colleagues, and so on. Walking and talking with people at the campus after dinner fills your mind full of optimistic ideas.

Coming into the style of the book, apart from the seven interactive stories, compilations of knowledge about transformed Indians, ‘tool-kit transformations’, “Quote…Unquote” and many more packages for automatic transformations.

Motivational quotations from the book(only from Emotional transformation, since I felt that is very much important at the present scenario)

 "It is only through study, reflection and self-effort that one can transform a weak mind into a strong mind."

"Know that tragedy can strike you at any moment. Do not be surprised when misfortune comes into  your life."

"The real yardstick of growth is not when we are doing a well or better than others, but its about how much we’ve improved from before."

"Learn from others around and work on bettering yourself."

"Whatever our mind entertains, it becomes that."

"He who sees all beings in his own self, and his own self in all beings, LOSES ALL FEAR- Ishavasyopanishad."

"Life is nothing but an array of choices that we make. Happiness is enhanced when we choose a higher goal over a lower goal. The family is higher than the individual, the community is higher than the family, the country is higher than the community, and the world is higher than the country. We must expand from ‘me’ to ‘family’ to community to ‘country’ and eventually to a state where we identify with the whole universe. With this expansion in vision, we grow as an individual when we dedicate our work or life to a higher purpose, the best in us is expressed and we find fulfillment."

Try this!

  • When you talk to someone try talking about feelings rather than what you think. Feelings touch-they reaching out. You might be surprised with the results.
  • Introspection is a very effective tool for mind management. Every night before going to sleep, devote 15 minutes to introspection. Go over your day’s activities. Did you utilize your day well? What was the most dominant emotion in the day? Did you respond well to all situations? Could you have responded in a better way?
  •  PEACE

                    P- Pause



                    C-Calm down


Let's try these activities. Let's Learn, Practise, and grow until our sweat transforms developing India into a developed India.  


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