Life is uncertain, sometimes. We feel very low when we go through such uncertain situations. Reading short inspirational quotes helps me a lot to remotivate and recharge myself from those uncertain situations. Some of the short deep inspirational quotes are shared here-
My favorite 36 Positive Quotes
Positive Quotes to Recharge Yourself | DoDiscover and Develop
1. "Honour lies in honest toil."
2. "When ambitions overtake performance, the gap is called frustrations.
But if performance overtakes ambitions, it's called success."
3. Fear is False evidence appearing Real
4. "Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value."
5. "Wherever a person goes, his deeds, like a shadow, will follow."
6. "Yur duty is your best friend. It is there always to console you in your sorrows. It is there to bring happiness to your material life. So, do your duty full of dedication and devotion."
7. "Duty is your best and first friend."
8. "Pain will always exist. The Key is to reduce its impact through discipline and practice."
9. "Discipline overcomes pain."
10. "We blame the finger for the wound in the mind."
11. "Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness. Bad days give you experience."
12. "It is not possible to remain behind narrow walls."
13. "You can't be extraordinary, without doing extra, without learning extra."
14. "Don't compete with others, compete with yourself."
15. "Be task-oriented, not time-oriented.
The mere initiative will not bring success in your life.
You need to have a Finitiative to bring success in your life."
16. "Stop not when you are tired. Stop when the task is done."
17. "Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness. Bad days give you experience."
18. "A focused mindset with willpower is the stepping stone of success."
19. "Be not afraid of GROWING SLOWLY.
Be afraid only of standing still."-Chinese Proverb
20. "Face the challenges of the world with courage and wisdom."
21. "Laziness is rust and dust; Working is rest and best. Change the work when you felt lazy."
22. "Of all parts of wisdom the practice is the best."
23. "The depth of your struggle will define the height of your success."
24. "Egoism is the root and crown of all evil thoughts and other down dragging tendencies. It degrades man from the golden glory to the level of lowly duty."
25. "The real yardstick of growth is not when we are doing as well or better than others, but it is about how much we've improved from before."
26. "The outward appearance of the sea did not indicate what precious pearls were hidden in its womb. One had to dive deep to get hold of the pearls. Merely swimming in superficial waters might utmost get one more shells."- PRACTICAL HYPNOTISM (Book)
27. "Challenges are meant to be challenged."
28. "The beauty of life depends upon our good habits."
29. "One has nothing to lose by being tense, but had a lot to gain by being calm."
30. "The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow."
31. "It's okay to be scared, but you have to get out there, make mistakes, learn, be stronger, and start all over again."
32. "WHEN LIFE HURTS, Remember... The Bamboo Takes the Drill to become a flute."
33. "To live in the body with the right knowledge is the healthiest life, where minimum sorrows can be expected."
34. "The sun gives and demands nothing; the earth, the moon, the rains, spring, flowers, rivers, everywhere in Nature, the Universal Rhythm is to 'give' lovingly and not to demand others."
35. "Ultimately, how people treat us is a reflection of them, not us."
36. "You have a goal, no doubt, and higher the goal, greater you must expect obstacles en route. But no obstacles should upset you.
Meet them diligently.
Where it can be jumped over, jump over.
If you cannot go around it
If you cannot wait, proceed, and when the obstacle is ended turn again and continue your direction.
That is the way to achieve things."
- Swami Chinmayananda
These positive quotes are collected from YouTube lecturers from various channels. Hope these are useful to the readers. These quotes have helped me to regain my motivation and focus on my activities.
Comment below if these were helpful to you and also don't forget to mention the quote that remotivates you the most when you feel very low for completing your tasks.
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