Thought Corner 2 - LEARN EVERYDAY @ DoDiscoverand Develop

Thought corner @ DoDiscover and Develop

      Why do we live in this world? Why do we study? Why do we earn? Why do we require a better standard of our life? All of these will perish one day! Isn't it? Still, the wise do not abstain from this. They will do all these things. Being a consumer always does not fit this world.

We live in this world to realize our true nature. To be one with That. Each and every moment, we should remember our true nature. This is the progress that one should reach in this human birth. In this human birth, it is only for developing oneself from what you were yesterday. As Gandhiji said, "...learn like you live forever". Our life is to progress all the time from what we were yesterday to what we are today.

We live to progress ourselves from evil to Divine. Bring divinity which is unlimited and always present all three tenses. We study to progress from evil to positive thoughts. We study to know the impermanent or always-changing nature of this word, we study to understand and cope with the uncertainty of this word. We earn to contribute to society. Everyone has the responsibility to maintain this world. Since humans are not perfect beings, they are contributing to the Whole world as much as they can. We should remember humans are the only being who can think and contribute more and more in a diversified way. Animals and birds are also contributing to society. A lot of examples of their contributions can be seen in the surroundings in which we live.

In our childhood, we were dependent on society. Being able to eat and drink without wasting was a big contribution as a child during those days. Now, we are grown up and able to understand the world around us. So, it's time to contribute than remain as mere consumers. Consumers, in the sense, of everything.

To conclude this thought-space, be a contributor than a mere consumer.


  • Learn every day from anything around you.
  • Feel that you are working and earning to contribute to the society that includes all living beings.


  • When you are lazy, you are bounding yourself as a mere consumer. So don't remain in laziness. Feel that you are serving society through your work and everyday activities.
  • Indirectly, you are working for your own progress as a being who can contribute more to this world.

Think about this and reflect in your life-



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