Thought Corner 4 - INTROSPECT YOURSELF @ DoDiscover and Develop

Thought Corner @Dodiscover and Develop

It doesn't matter at which company you are handling the position as a Manager. Ultimately, you need to be the manager of your own company of this body, mind, and intellect.

You need to know how to manage these three employees or servants of you. Then only you can raise your performance graph and be a better person in your life.

It is not an easy task because the employees are not outside of you, but with you always. 

So, to manage your tri-company of body, mind, and intellect, you should know them properly. These are the instruments that help you in self-improvement. With this understanding, you will be able to know your 'Self'. Your true potential also.

Though this is not an easy task, it is an essential task. So we must analyze our mind, body, and intellect. 

Firstly, you need to know about your body and its requirements and non-requirements. Similar to the case of your mind and intellect. How to know the requirements and non-requirements of my instruments- body, mind, and intellect.

Observation is the key to understanding what is required and not required for your instruments. As a beginning step, detach from the identification of you as this body, mind, and intellect. To understand this better, "Whatever is MINE, is not ME." For example, MY WATCH is not Me or MY CAR is not ME. You are the owner of your watch or your car. To an extent you are the USER of the watch or the car that you are using. If so, many times, we point out as 'my body', 'my mind', or 'my intelligence' (or buddhi). These are MINE. Whatever is mine is not Me. Thus, I am not this body, my mind, and my intellect. Simply like you are not your watch. Then, who are you? or Who am I?

You are something different from your watch, your car or your bike, or your house. And you are not your body, mind, and intellect as well; because you can see or understand all these things.

Tri-Company Management

Mind is simply the flow of thoughts. You can observe your thoughts. You can see that your mind is not well sometimes.

As a further step in the process of the tri-management mechanism, start to observe your thoughts. Are these thoughts encouraging me to grow or distracting from my growth? Are they ruining my peacefulness? Ask yourself.

For example, 

Consider that you are using social media a lot. Spending hours and hours on Facebook, Insta, Whatsapp, and so on. "Are they enriching my happiness or ruining my vision?" Observe yourself. If they help me in my growth like providing me some health tips, GOOD!, use them. If they are distracting your vision and focus, giving pain to your eyes, then, stop using social media. You can't stop it suddenly. Try until you become successful in the minimal usage of social media. Slowly, slowly, you can stop using social media once you know that this thing is hurting your eyes rather than ensuring happiness for me. 

Another example (at the mind's level),

By thinking about your mistakes that happened in past, we waste a lot of time. Or we think about people who hurt or insulted us. As we think more about these past incidents, the more we hurt our minds. The more muddy the thoughts are. So it's time to remove these dits from the water of thoughts.


How to remove these muddy thoughts from our minds?

Tell your mind-"It is okay to realize mistakes. Mistakes of any kind. Mistakes I did. Mistakes in the form of hurts, and insults from people around me. Past cannot be changed. Acting in present is the only solution to overcome the pain generated from past mistakes."

(Making mistakes is not so good every time. If it is done in your past, accept the lessons that you gained from those mistakes. Take a vow not to repeat the same mistake in similar situations. That's how you grow from the Mistakes' Lessons.)

Similarly, (at the intellectual level), stop thinking about the negative impact of your wrong decision. At least you learned a lesson from it. Your wrong decision has helped you to become strong.

So move forward.

Thus, learn to introspect and improve yourself to grow and develop and be the Manager of Your-Self.

"Wherever a person goes, his deeds, like a shadow, will follow."

So, when you become the manager of yourself, management skill comes along with you despite where you are and what you do.

Remember, it is not by one day, but by everyday effort, you become your-self-Manager.

Don't wait for the right time. The best time is now. So, start your effort from this moment to become the manager of the tri-company.


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